Address of "Martik" Foundation

Address: 375088, 60 Gevorg Chaush str., Yerevan, Armenia
Telephone: (374 10) 22 04 54
E-mail: [email protected]

Bank account "Haykhnaybank" Spandaryan branch

in drams  2474400082140010
in US dollars 2474400082140020

Fund President A. Aghabekyan


The entrance fee is set to be 100 US dollars or its AMD equivalent. At the moment of payment it can't be less or more of the exchange rate set by central bank of RA. The aim of the foundation is to promote the nation's longevity. Who are willing to participate in this sacred cause, don't hesitate! and who are ready spiritually but not financially, don't hurry, be willing and you will become a Martik.